Sunday, March 18, 2007

One of the better Lost theories out there...

Taken from a message board at

was thinking about the whole Lost thing in the shower this morning, and suddenly I figured it all out! Now stay with me here, it's a little hard to chew on at first, but it goes down easy after that...

* The island is the home of Christmas Village
* The Others are actually Santa's elves, gone mad.
* The "Great Man" is Ol' St. Nick himself
* This expains the naughty and nice list the Others are always working from.
* The elves have gone nuts because they don't spend time making presents anymore--the rampant commercialization of Christmas from the mid-20th century on has put them out of work. "Ben," the head elf, has exploited the situation to seize power but keeps Santa around as an impotent figurehead.
* The giant magnetic field under the hatch is the north magnetic pole.
* That explains why you need a submarine to get to the island normally--you need to travel under the arctic ice (the other way to get to the island is through a warp in space and time when an event occurs--obviously too unstable to use for regular travel.)
* This explains the snow-globe hint at the end of season 2.
* Now we know where the polar bears came from.
* Christmas magic keeps the north pole warm, causing the polar ice to melt in a relatively small radius around the pole, exposing the island.

I could go on and on, but I think you will agree that this really is the most reasonable explanation.

Edit: oh yeah, and Locke is like Tiny Tim from Charles Dicken's Christman Story, with 'is bum leg.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Apple's great new product!!

Okay so normally I wouldn't put something political on this thing but since it has to do with Apple, I'm obligated. Check out Apple's new product, the iRack!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

This needs no explanation...

...other than to say that this is real, really.